The planning committee for the Plex/2E Virtual Conference (October 22/23) has been working hard to put together a premier event. We have had 2 fantastic Webinars with the Plex/2E User Community to collaborate on the status of this conference. The response from the community has been very strong, and there is a lot of excitement for this high octane 2-day event. We have worked hard to identify (based on your poll question responses) the sessions that you want to see. We have made them available on our Web Site and you can even vote on the sessions that are of interest to you.
We need YOU to find a session that you have experience in and are asking you to please volunteer to either be a Speaker (45 minutes) or present a Lightening Talk (5-10 minutes). We are also looking for Session Leaders (take the lead on organizing a session, and coordinating with the Lightening Talk speakers). There is a wealth of knowledge in our user community, and most of you have decades of experience. The sessions that are hosted by the community members are always the most popular. We are offering Stetson hats for all speakers, and we will even offer an award for the best session for each track (voted on by attendees). If you are interested in volunteering as a Speaker, Lightening Talk, or Session Leader, please send an e-mail to