
The CA Plex/2E community is invited to a special event community webcast July 8th dedicated to brainstorming and planning the fall conference. Conference organizers will review potential content and solicit feedback on the speakers and topics of interest to the community. CA Plex/2E community president Roger Griffith invites anyone in the community with an interest to attend the webcast and offer their input.

From Roger:

I am reaching out to you as a 2E/Plex expert to join me with other elite industry experts who have a shared interest. Please join me on Wednesday, July 8th at 10:00 Central time to learn more about this exciting renewed Plex/2E Worldwide User Community.

Roger’s goal with this and future webcasts is to bring the Plex/2E community together, learn new ways to get the most value possible from Plex and 2E tools, and make new friends and have a lot of fun along the journey.

The conference this year will be held virtually in October due to Covid-19. Future conferences may be virtual or at a location depending on the status of the virus.

Click here to register now

Topics of the July 8th webinar will include:

  • Product specific presentation
  • Best Practices
  • Success Stories
  • Customer Round Tables
  • Vendor Round Tables
  • Outside Experts (IBM, etc)

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Date and Time

Wednesday, July 8th, 2020 10-11AM CST

Register here.


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