
We’ve put a great deal of work into developing great, relevant, up-to-the-minute content for this year’s conference, and a lot of work on top of that to make sure that the value we’re building extends equally to the in-person attendees and the remote learners. So far, we’ve come a long way.

Meanwhile, COVID has managed to continue to impact our lives as one variant after another works its way through our communities in waves all over the world. That has us concerned.

We have a good number of managers and developers attending the conference in-person, but we expect a good number will join us remotely. The COVID Delta variant, while less lethal than previous variants, appears to be sticking with us for awhile.

That got us to thinking: How can we make the remote experience even better than we planned? Ultimately, we want to make the decision to attend remotely much easier for those who might be on the fence.

If you attended last year’s conference, you already know that we offer access to all of the training session materials so you can reinforce or sharpen your skills in the weeks and months after the conference.

How We’re Making Remote Conference Access Better

This year, this is how we’re making the remote experience even better (and frankly, for in-person too):

Increased Access to Trainers

You will be able to interface with your trainers in a dedicated CA 2E CA Plex conference LinkedIn page before, during, and after the conference. You can message course trainers directly to ask follow-up questions and get advice. The LinkedIn page will also provide updates and a stream link to the conference for registered conference attendees.

Added remote resources

To enhance the remote learning experience, and give attendees more resources, we are extending virtual machine access for thirty days post-conference for those who request it, so you can get your hands dirty with the important training applications post-conference.

As we stated in a recent blog post, we believe the conference is best viewed, and utilized, as a continuing master resource for cutting-edge skill development that you can make use of anywhere, anytime. We’re hoping these new resources will make that value even more effective and cutting-edge.

So get your conference ticket now, and reap the rewards starting right now and in the months to come.