
Roger Griffith, the new Plex/2E community president sent out a kickoff letter to the community. In case you missed it, here it is in it’s entirety.

Greetings to my friends in the Plex/2E community!

I am Roger Griffith, president of the Plex/2E community. I am reaching out to you as a 2E/Plex expert to join me with other elite industry experts who have a shared interest. Please join me on Wednesday, July 8th at 10:00 Central time to learn more about this exciting renewed Plex/2E Worldwide User Community.

For those of you who don’t know me, let me tell you about myself. I have been developing enterprise applications with Plex/2E for over 32 years and consider myself to be a world leading Plex/2E Evangelist. My passion for these tools is legendary. These two tools are (and always have been) among the finest 4GL ARAD tools on the planet, and those of us who have built our careers with these tools understand the tremendous value these tools bring to our companies.

My goal in this new role is very simple, to bring the Plex/2E community together, and learn new ways to get the most value possible from these tools we own. We will share our experience and learn from each other. We will make new friends and have a LOT of fun along the journey. We will hold quarterly webcasts where we will solicit 10 minutes of your time to present a Lightning Talk on various topics of interest. We will continue to hold conferences (every 18 months). The conference this year will be in October, and it will be virtual due to travel considerations due to Covid-19. Future conferences may be virtual or at a location depending on that status of the virus.

I look forward to your registration and appreciate the opportunity to serve you as your President of the Plex/2E Worldwide User Community.

Roger Griffith
President – Plex/2E Worldwide User Community

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